Thanks to the shape inspired by the Indian teepee tent. With this crib, every child will feel like an explorer or a brave warrior. The cot will not only provide fantasy support when playing games, but also a safe haven and shelter from around the world.

The bed is equipped with a safety railing as standard, which prevents it from falling out of bed during sleep. This handrail, when the child grows up, can be easily moved to the back of the bed or completely removed.
A part of the bed is also a pull-out drawer, which will provide a place to store a lot of children's treasures, or after inserting the mattress it will become a pull-out bed for a friend (a 90x200x8 mattress will fit in the drawer).

A beautiful element of this cot is the upper decorative lamella, which connects the sides of the tee pee - this can be filled with any text, for example the name of the child (write in the note).

height: 156 cm,
length: 206 cm,
width: 96 cm

By Bellamy

Bellamy is a manufacturer of furniture for children and youth of the highest quality with more than 30 years of experience in this field. The experience is thus reflected in the design of beautiful but also functional sets that will please not only the little one, but also his parents. A cozy but functional room where the child is safe is his little planet.
Bellamy also produces beautiful bedding and accessories for cots and rooms, which perfectly complement the whole atmosphere.

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  • 14 844 CZK

  • 12 268 CZK


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