Chest of drawers with changing table Sleep.Onnn

Chest of drawers with a changing table made of lacquered MDF, with a number of practical drawers with quiet runs and a beautiful detail of the handle will perfectly complement the entire sleep.onnn collection. Padded changing mat made of 100% cotton.

The upper part of the changing table is divided into a changing part and a part with compartments for the distribution of necessities for changing the baby. As soon as your baby grows up in diapers, it is possible to remove the changing part.

The changing mat can be washed in a washing machine at 30 degrees

Length: 920 mm
Width: 840 mm
Height: 1000 mm

By Sleep.onnn

Based on her parenting experience and 20 years of experience in the furniture industry, Evgeniy Litvinenko created a brand identity and revived all the ideas and dreams of the perfect bed, where your child will use it with a sense of security - this is how SleepOnnn was born.

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  • 22 573 CZK

  • 18 655 CZK


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