Junior bed Single Sleep.Onnn

A beautiful, comfortable, padded cot for toddlers and juniors from Sleep.Onnn is great for busy nights and restless sleeping of your sweetheart. The bed has padded guardrails on the sides, which create a safe place that your toddler will look forward to every night.

Quality and original workmanship of the legs and frame beds are a guarantee of a perfect design piece that cannot be seen. Furthermore, you can choose the color variant of the legs, body and upholstery according to your wishes, and therefore the bed fits perfectly into any interior.

The frame and legs are made of beech wood and plywood, lacquered water with a dilutable paint intended for children's furniture according to EU standards

The bed slat is made of wooden orthopedic slats in a metal frame

Size: 190x105x84 cm

A high-quality memory foam mattress measuring 190x90x10 can be ordered next to the bed
The accessory is a second side mantinel or a practical metal shelf for small items that your toddler or junior needs a

By Sleep.onnn

Based on her parenting experience and 20 years of experience in the furniture industry, Evgeniy Litvinenko created a brand identity and revived all the ideas and dreams of the perfect bed, where your child will use it with a sense of security - this is how SleepOnnn was born.

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  • 33 342 CZK

  • 27 555 CZK


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